The changes in a woman’s body during menopause can cause anxiety for several reasons, as discussed below. While there is a link between having anxiety and pre-menopause. Women who haven’t experienced anxiety before can experience symptoms during peri/menopause.
Hormonal link
Hormone fluctuations affect the whole body, and as Oestrogen and Progesterone fluctuate and drop through peri/menopause, receptors in the brain can be affected. This can result in mood-regulating hormones like serotonin and dopamine being impacted. Causing an increase in anxiety symptoms. It is normal to experience a change in moods, irritability, and nervousness during peri/menopause, but frequent high anxiety isn’t something we have to put up with.
Lack of sleep caused by night sweats can affect the quality and quantity of sleep. Prolonged sleep deprivation can cause emotional instability resulting in anxiety symptoms being heightened. This can result in a negative feedback loop, with lack of sleep causing anxiety and anxiety causing sleeplessness.
Hot flushes
Experiencing hot flashes at an inappropriate time can be stressful. Causing women to feel anxious in certain situations, like work or socialising. Somatic anxiety has been linked to an increase in hot flashes. Somatic anxiety is the physical manifestation of anxiety symptoms, such as palpitations, chest pain, sweating, breathlessness etc.
External influences.
Peri/menopause coincides with a time in women’s lives when they may be experiencing varying degrees of pressure from caring for their family and children, working, and possibly caring for elderly parents. Balancing these different roles can have a negative impact on women’s wellbeing, with feelings of guilt and not being able to please everybody.
Emotional Triggers
Many of the women I see have found anxiety symptoms have increased as they enter the peri/menopause years. They contribute this to their past negative experiences feeling more emotionally charged and coming to the surface.
Hypnotherapy can help to relieve the symptoms of anxiety by improving sleep. Reducing or eliminating night sweats and hot flashes. Letting go of past emotional experiences and helping you move on to the next chapter free of anxiety.
To find out more about how I can help you, please contact me here for a free 40-minute consultation.