Emotional Trauma

Trauma can be an individual event or multiple events over months or years. How a person processes trauma is individual, and other factors come into play, such as childhood experiences, personality, and the nature of the traumatic experience.
Trauma can be but isn't limited to:
Childhood neglect, abuse, abandonment
Domestic abuse
Car accident
Natural disasters
Serious illness
Witnessing or hearing about a traumatic event, such as crime, death or accident.
Symptoms of trauma can be:
Feeling unsafe
Shock, denial, or disbelief.
Confusion, difficulty concentrating
Anger, irritability, mood swings
Anxiety and fear
Guilt, shame, self-blame
Withdrawing from others
Feeling sad or hopeless
Feeling disconnected or numb
These are all ways of the brain's natural response to trauma and processing it, but if the symptoms are prolonged (over 30 days, excluding grief), a diagnosis of PTSD may be given.
Ongoing trauma, such as abuse within the home, can mean a diagnosis of Complex PTSD. This is due to the nature of the trauma being long-lasting, multi-layered and repetitive.
EMDR and hypnotherapy can help free a person from trauma symptoms. Allowing the brain to process the experience and emotions surrounding it. Healing can start once the brain has started to process the trauma.
To find out more about my PTSD/Trauma Programme, please book a free consultation.